Organization Directory
Religion |
Church - Methodist
Gihon Road, Parkersburg, WV 26101
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Churches, Synagogues & Mosques
14258 Leon Baden Road, Leon, WV 25123
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Church - Baptist
135 Road Run Road, Schultz, WV 26170
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Church - Methodist
Ripley Road, Point Pleasant, WV 25123
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Church - Baptist
158 Bruni Hill Road, Petroleum, WV 26161
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Church - Baptist
7051 Ohio River Road, Point Pleasant, WV 25550
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Church - Methodist
County Highway 15 & U.S. Highway 33, Letart, WV 25253
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Church - Baptist
178 Pleasant Valley Road, Given, WV 25245
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Church - Baptist
26488 Kanawha Valley Road, Southside, WV 25187
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Church - Baptist
4013 10th Ave., Parkersburg, WV 26101
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Church - Methodist
Harrison Street, Harrisville, WV 26362
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Church - Baptist
212 S. Court St., Harrisville, WV 26362
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Church - Methodist
N. and A, Hartford, OH 25247
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Church - Methodist
2116 N. Main St., Point Pleasant, WV 25550
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Church - Methodist
Highway 2 & Hickory Chaple Road, Point Pleasant, WV 25550
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Church - Baptist
85 Mount Alto Road, Mount Alto, WV 25264
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Church - Methodist
Hurshers Run Road, Ellenboro, WV 26346
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Church - Methodist
22919 E 860 Road, Custer City, OK 73639
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Church - Methodist
W.Va.-47 & Colo. Highway 47 and 25, Davisville, WV 26142
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Church - Methodist
W.Va.-16, Smithville, WV 26362